Keep your turnips’ soil moist so their roots will develop properly and extract oxygen from the soil—it’s more likely that their leaves will become green again.

A soil that has a pH level between 6-7 has maximum phosphorus availability. When the soil’s pH is below 7 so that it’s alkaline, phosphorus can be converted into a nutrient for turnip greens. If the soil’s pH is above 7, then it’ll be too acidic to fully absorb phosphorus. [10] X Research source Bone meal has a 15% concentration of phosphorus, so it’ll be great for treating a phosphorus deficiency in your turnips.

Rabbit manure has 4 times more nutrients than horse or cow manure. Pellets of rabbit manure don’t need to be composed and can be used as a fertilizer right away.

The organic matter in compost also restores the soil structure of your turnip greens. When the soil structure is healthy, the ecosystem inside—including worms, fungi, and mites—releases phosphorus. [15] X Research source

As an extra precaution, sanitize your seeds by soaking them in water that’s 122 °F (50 °C) Wait 20 minutes before taking them out and planting them. [17] X Research source

Phosphorus and potassium help your turnips develop healthy roots. That way, turnip greens will get all the nutrients they need and won’t become discolored.

If possible, use drip irrigation to provide your turnips just enough moisture without overwatering them and preventing their growth. [21] X Research source It’s okay to water your turnips more than once a week if the weather’s hot and the soil is very dry.

Avoid growing crucifer crops, like cabbage, kale, or cauliflower, near your turnips. That way, these crucifer crops won’t attract cruciferous weeds. [23] X Research source

Sulfur sprays or copper-based fungicides are highly effective at preventing the spread of fungal spores. They’ll also stop the growth of plant diseases, like white leaf spots. [25] X Research source

Plants that are related to turnips are broccoli, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, and mustard.