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Three Different Decks in Floppy Knights

While there is only one kind of deck at the beginning of the indie game Floppy Knights, players will slowly unlock new deck types as well as new leaders. There are a total of three types of decks, and each has its own strengths.

Plant: This starter in this deck-building game is all about healing and growth, and players who are new to this type of game will probably want to stick with plants even as they progress. Monster: Monster decks are all about big damage numbers. They bring out creatures quickly, and those creatures are willing to sacrifice themselves to deal as much damage to the enemy as possible. Hooligan: These cards are usually all about poisons and status effects to keep these rather squishy creatures out of the line of fire of enemies.

Leader Cards in Floppy Knights

In order to play a deck type, players will first have to choose a commander in this pretty indie game. Each commander is unique to that deck type and will have some locked-in cards and abilities that players will not be able to change. Here are all the commanders in Floppy Knights.

Captain Thistle - Plants - He boosts other cards’ movement speeds to get across the board quickly. Vera - Plants - This plant commander is great for keeping other units alive with her healing ability. Big Mad - Monster - Big Mad is great at getting big mad at units that damage it; attack stats will rise the more damage it takes. Jessica - Monster - Jessica likes to move in close with extra armor in order to smash her opponents up close. Sparko - Hooligan - Sparko is all about move speed and getting around enemies. Concoctor - Hooligan - Concoctor is all about making additional energy for the player to get their units where they need to go.

The Best Decks in Floppy Knight

Sadly, given the way that Floppy Knights is put together, there is no “best deck.” Some levels call for speed, while others need strong units to move quickly. Some levels have very strict limits on the number of units a player can summon and others have no restrictions. However, there are some best cards that players can always start their decks with.

Best overall commander: Captain Thistle - Captain Thistle is great when speed is needed, but is also good at smashing other units as well. He deals quite a bit of damage and has the speed to retreat after beating up the competition in his card-based video game. Best beginner commander: Vera - She makes it easy to heal other units and keep everyone alive. She’s a wonderful commander for levels that require no units die.

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While the commander of the deck will choose some of the cards that players will have to use, most can be switched out for cards of any type in this card game. Plant decks can have both Monster and Hooligan cards, which is lucky. Most Hooligan cards are amazing and should be included in all decks.

Bootleg - Hooligan - Spell Card - This card discards a player’s whole hand and draws five more cards. It is similar to wheel cards in Magic: the Gathering. Bamboomer - Plant - Unit Card - This unit has the widest range; it can attack anything within three squares. Sow and Reap - Plant - Spell Card - This card flips over every time it is used; one side moves a unit, and the other attacks. Shady Shroom - Hooligan - Unit Card - While this unit doesn’t do anything special, it has 10 life, which is a massive help when players can’t lose a unit. Drifter - Hooligan - Spell Card - This card allows units to move, and it is upgraded every time it is used in a single combat in this beautiful indie game. Teen Spirit - Hooligan - Unit Card - This unit has speed on its side; players can zoom across the map quickly with a Teen Spirit. It adds a 1-drop movement card to a player’s hand; when used, this 1-drop adds another 0-drop movement card. Barrel Cactus - Plant - Unit Card - Not only is this unit powerful, but it also makes cards that heal other units. Volley Fire - Monsters - Spell Card - When players have a ton of units out on the field, this card is indispensable. It adds one Strike to the player’s hand for every unit in play, and a strike is a 0-cost attack card. Grow - Plant - Spell Card - This card upgrades one plant card for 0. Since there are so many amazing plant cards, players will need this one a lot. Sunshine - Plant - Spell Card - Adds one card to a player’s hand this turn and adds one energy to the player’s next turn for 0.

How to Build for Floppy Knights

Decks for Floppy Knights have a maximum of 30 cards. Players will want to create tailored decks for each level they play; the best way to do this is to have a tester deck that is always brought to a new level until the best strategy for that level is figured out. Then, depending on what that level calls for, players can tailor their commanders, units, and spells to what is needed in that particular location.

Floppy Knights is available for Mac, PC, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and Xbox One.

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Source: Wiki