Some of you might read that sentence and have no idea what’s happening, so let me try to explain. ClutchLikeMJ had more than 10,000 followers, including several members of the UF football team and some members of the media (including ESPN), and led the #GatorGang hashtag, which turned into a popular message board. 

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In short, he was a big deal in Gators football and was even part of their recruiting efforts. In the early hours Wednesday, he was outed as a fraud.

He went by the name Ryan on Twitter and described himself as a rich kid from Destin, Fla., with ties to Hawaii and Ohio. He told people he had insider information and sold that info on his message board where he would charge users $100 a year for access. He would also sell T-shirts because people were buying what “Ryan” was selling. Even star Gators cornerback Vernon Hargreaves wore one of his shirts and gave him a public shoutout.

“I want to clear the air real quick,’’ Hargreaves said when talking about a video. “The guy — his name is @ClutchLikeMJ on Twitter; y’all should give him a follow, he makes good videos — he made a whole bunch of Florida videos and he added the term ‘DBU’ in there.”

As attention grew, Gator fans wanted to meet “Ryan” in person. He kept saying no, which made people grow suspicious. So they did a reverse phone search and discovered the name “Neil Cool.” From there, they found a voter registration site that listed Neil Cool’s birthday as Feb. 20, which is the same day “Ryan” used on Twitter. In addition, Cool’s Facebook page was discovered and his name matched up with the PayPal account used for his forum’s T-shirts. 

Turns out “Ryan” is Neil Cool, although Neil Cool was not “Ryan.” The pictures “Ryan” used were actually from a guy named Drew Walker, who lives in Monroe, Ohio, and may or may not know Cool was using pictures of him. As mentioned before, “Ryan” claimed to have connections to Ohio.

Once all of this information was discovered, the Twitter account @ClutchLikeMJ sent a picture admitting he was posing as someone else.

He later deleted his account.

Reports say he earned up to over $50,000 through his forum and T-shirt sales. He had the forum up for a little more than a year, and people had been suspicious for a while, but the truth was revealed only Wednesday.

Former Gator Rod Johnson commented on the discovery through his Twitter page.

UPDATE: Cool told more of his story Wednesday night in an interview with Chad Wilson, host of The Gridiron Studs Show on He admitted he “lied to everybody,” but he also defended his operation.

“A little bit of it got to my head, just like it would anybody. I mean, you have 10,000 followers following you, wanting to know what you know,” he said. “But the information that we posted in the forum was always legit. I mean, as you know, I’ve had some good stuff.”

He said he didn’t use his real identity because he “didn’t want my information out there” and didn’t want the NCAA getting involved. He said he went to school with Walker and spoke with him Wednesday about using his image. “It doesn’t seem like it’s a huge deal to him,” Cool said.

Cool, who told Wilson he’s 26, said he was “stupid” and made “a f—in’ mistake,” but he doesn’t believe that his work is illegitimate.

“To say it’s a fraud, it’s not a fraud," he said. “You didn’t pay us for my looks. I hope you didn’t pay us for my looks. You didn’t pay for any of that. You paid because you wanted Gator info, and that’s what you got, and that’s what we were pushing.”

He said he went to three Florida games in Gainesville in 2010 and a game at Kentucky when he was visiting Ohio. He also said he has two tickets to the SEC championship game but might give them away.

“I love Florida. I’m still going to cheer for Florida and everything like that. Honestly, it doesn’t change much. I mean, people will hate and everything, but I’m honestly relieved because if people do come around to it, they can feel free to hit me up. Now we can go tailgating. I’m down to get drunk.”

Cool also said he heard from several Gators players after the news broke. “They said, ‘Just be yourself. F— what people think,’” he said.

Right after Cool ended the interview, a man who said he was @tiepod (he later said his name was Tyler Watley) called in and said Cool was a fraud. The man, who said he was from Tennessee, also said he tried to bait Cool into arguments online so he could “bust him out.”

“I just wanted people to know, like all his followers that worship him and call him a god, realize he isn’t what he says he is,” Watley said.

Sporting News Media’s Tom Gatto contributed to this report.