Edward Lacourse, 75 was arrested in Fort Myers on Monday and faces an aggravated assault with a weapon charge, according to Lee County Sheriff’s Office records.

His neighbors, who live next to Lacourse’s home at 13505 Marquette Boulevard, told police that he started verbally abusing them after becoming upset about a “Biden Flag” on their property.

The victims reportedly said that in the 18 years they’ve lived on Marquette Boulevarde, they had never spoken to Lacourse.

One of the neighbors went inside their home to call the police when Lacourse pointed a gun at the other.

After the dispute, deputies arrived at the address and knocked on Lacourse’s door.

But when he opened his door, he allegedly commanded his collie-mix dog to “kill” the officers.

Police later secured the shotgun that Lacourse had aimed at his neighbor, finding a round in the chamber and three rounds in the tube, according to WBBH.

Lacourse was arrested on Monday and released the next day on a $5,000 bond, police records show.

He faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill.

Newsweek has contacted the Lee County Sheriff’s department for comment.

The incident comes after the U.S. political divide has deepened over the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Politically motivated violence has surged in recent months surrounding the November 2020 presidential elections.

Trump’s claims of election fraud sparked widespread unrest and a violent siege of the Capitol building on January 6 when lawmakers were preparing to certify Biden’s victory.

In October, a man wearing a Trump cap was caught on camera pulling out a gun and pointing it towards rival protesters during a political demonstration in Woodinville, Washington.

Video footage, reportedly captured by 19-year-old Lanna Garcia, shows what appears to be a confrontation between two groups of political demonstrators—one supporting Trump and the other Joe Biden.

In the clip, a young man can be seen pulling out a gun and pointing it towards a group of people, including the person filming.

Shouts and expletives can be heard as people shout: “Gun” and “What’s your name? I’m calling the police.”

The man with the gun can soon be seen retreating away from the group with someone else holding him by the arm as people continue to shout and swear at each other.

He was reportedly reacting to a bucket of liquid being thrown at their camp of supporters.

The very next day, altercations between Trump supporters and counter-protesters turned violent in New York City, resulting in seven arrests during the Jews for Trump rally.

Videos shared to Twitter showed those who participated in the event—a large convoy that saw vehicles driving through Brooklyn and Manhattan with American flags, and signs demonstrating support for President Donald Trump’s reelection, clearly displayed—encountered opposition from demonstrators along sections of their route.

One confrontation, which took place in the Midtown area near Times Square, escalated after a group of counter-protesters surrounded a vehicle taking part in the convoy. Demonstrators appeared to douse the vehicle in red paint. A message posted alongside one of the social media videos said counter-protesters also tore flags from vehicles supporting the convoy.

Footage showed individuals inside the car exit their vehicle before arguments with counter-protesters became physical. A man wearing a red sweatshirt with “Keep America Great” printed across the chest could be seen tackling a woman over a low barricade near the side of the boulevard, although the specific catalyst for the quarrel was unclear.

Soon after the Trump supporter backed away, a different, unidentifiable individual wearing a face mask appeared to kick another person so the latter fell onto the pavement.