An arrest affidavit found by The Smoking Gun states that Martin Skelly, of St. Petersburg, Florida was arrested Saturday for allegedly possessing methamphetamine “in a 28 gauge needle on his person.” The 41-year-old was reportedly discovered with the drug-filled needle at a Clearwater McDonalds after a “suspicious person call” had been made by an employee at the restaurant.

“During processing a PCSO deputy discovered a small bag of crystal powder substance wedged deep within the belly button cavity of [Skelly],” said a police officer quoted in the affidavit. “I conducted a presumptive test on this substance and it tested positive for methamphetamine.”

The 380-pound Skelly was apparently carrying 2.8 grams of the drug in the small plastic bag nestled in his belly button. Before the discovery, Skelly apparently claimed he did not have any other illegal substances or items in his possession. After the contraband was discovered, he is said to have told police “I was just being dumb and not thinking.”

Saturday’s belly button incident appears to be far from the first of Skelly’s encounters with police. His prior arrest record reportedly includes alleged theft, narcotics possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence and violating probation. He also previously served three years in prison on cocaine trafficking charges.

Skelly is facing multiple charges including two felony counts related to the contraband discovery. He is being held in lieu of a $9,150 bond.

It’s not entirely clear whether Skelly was “just being dumb,” or if he intended to sneak the drugs into his holding cell. Regardless, there does appear to be a long history of people utilizing body cavities in order to smuggle items into jail. Belly buttons are typically not involved, but other creative methods have been attempted.

A fake pastor was arrested after authorities uncovered an ongoing scheme involving drugs being hidden inside Bibles and then smuggled into jail, according to a January report. Another bizarre incident involved an obese inmate in Tennessee, who had been caught allegedly attempting to smuggle a 24-inch machete into prison by concealing it in the folds of his body fat.

In October, a man in Sydney, Australia discovered a balloon he had stuck up his nostril 18 years earlier to smuggle drugs into prison was the cause of recurring sinus infections and blockages. After noticing the mass during a CT scan, doctors were surprised to remove a marijuana-filled balloon lodged in the man’s sinus.